Experience the Upsideof Electronics Recycling

Years of Experience - At Your Service.

A table topped with electronics and a green recycling symbol.

Only 16% of E-Waste is Recycled. Let Us Help Get You Out of the 84%.

According to a study by the UNU-IAS. 

Global Corporate Recycling

Upcycle has a combined 27 years of experience in the global electronics recycling industry. We provide safe, secure, and individualized electronic recycling solutions and IT asset management to a diverse clientele of consumers, businesses, and corporations.

Our Services

A row of servers in a large room.

Data Center Solutions

A warehouse filled with boxes of electronics.

Asset Retirement

A pile of computer equipment sitting in the middle of a room.

Electronics Recycling

A rack of servers in a room with wires.

Facility Clean-Out

A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.

Consulting Services

A pile of computer chips sitting on top of each other.

Precious Metal Recycling